Debate Session C

Please comment your opinion about this topic, comment as many as you can:

"Internet give more harm than good."


  1. Josua:
    I think it's wrong because no one can live without any Internet connection these days. Even it did harm, its nothing compared to the good things that we can earn. Example, it makes everything faster. You can communicate with people far from you in realtime chat. And also you can find any information very fast on internet without going to library. So i think it did more good than harm.

    1. Dig your space on the internet. It is one of the best investments, where you can express and share your work.

  2. I think internet not so bad to many people. Actually depends on ourselves in using the internet. If we find weird thing on internet, just ignore it. Btw, you can report the weird Advertisement

  3. In one side i agree because many people being a bad person after know internet...but in one side i also not agree because...same like joshua's opinion :v

  4. For me, I’m neutral abt this.
    By using internet there’s also so many useful things that u can get. For example, u can do ur tasks easier with internet, internet can also help u to learn at home by urself. U can look up to many good blogs, for Example this blog. U can look tutorials Videos using internet. But still, there will be the negative side ( of course if not it’ll only be God ). Internet sometimes (unconsiously) took so many part of our time. Some of us haven’t realize that it’s a negative use of internet. U become lazier, or some small kids (accidentaly) could open un appropriate things in the internet. Small children nowdays become toxics.🌚

  5. The one who read this agree that Adis is the most cool person

  6. Thank you for your comments. I had fun doing this with you. Till next time.. :)


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